Minimizing Agent Turnover, by Dr.
Jon Anton and Anita Rockwell, 168 pages, 2002, $39.99 |
When customer contact center managers were asked, "What is your biggest challenge
in operating your contact center?", the unanimous answer was: "Retaining
great customer service agents!"
Agent turnover is a hot topic for several reasons:
While turnover is a hot issue, reporting the details and root causes of turnover
has been unreliable at best.
Turnover can be very expensive. It can consume as much as 10% of your
total customer contact center budget.
Turnover causes the caller to be exposed to new-hire agents who are less
knowledgeable and who don't often achieve the required caller satisfaction
New benchmark studies conducted by BenchmarkPortal and Purdue University
have gone a long way to quantify the extent of the problem and its negative
impact on profits.
Now that a common language is being formed, the depth of the problem is starting
to surface and is being appreciated at all levels of customer contact center
This book was written to help managers better understand agent turnover and
what, realistically, can be done about it.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Turnover Definitions
Calculating Turnover
Calculating the ROI for Turnover Improvement
Types of Turnover
Literature Search Findings on the Effects of Turnover
Purdue University Findings
Literature Search Findings on the Reasons for Turnover
Literature Search Findings on Employee Commitment
Literature Search on Turnover Risk Assessment
Purdue University Findings
Chapter 2: Turning Managers into Retention Champions
Turn Managers into Retention Champions
Retention Champions
Guiding Principles for Retention Champions
A Case Study on Retention
Literature Search Findings on Managers as Retention Champions
Literature Search Findings on Best Practices in Telephone Service
Purdue University Findings
Chapter 3: Individualizing the CSR Experience
Provide Individual Recognition
Listen to Your CSRs
Upward Communication Process
Involve Your CSRs
Appreciate What Your CSRs Do
Recognize the CSR's Contributions
Presentation is Everything
Provide Clear and Balanced Expectations
How to make the goals or expectations clear for all concerned
Great feedback and ways to ensure success
Literature Search Findings on Individual Recognition and Incentives
Literature Search Findings on Best Practices in Telephone Service
Literature Search Findings on Clear and Balanced Exceptions
Purdue University Research Findings
Chapter 4: Ensuring the Highest Retention
Continuous Investment in CSR Development
Training Through Simulation
Create a Bonding Environment
A Feeling of Belonging
The All Important "Fun Factor"
Informal Leader Effect
Providing Opportunities for Advancement
Career Path Advancement
Promotions within the Organization
Providing Effective Communication
Change Management Communication
The Right Incentives for the Desired Results
Literature Search Findings on Investing in CSRs
Literature Search Findings on Best Practices in Telephone Service
Chapter 5: Hire Slowly...Fire Quickly
What Does"Hire Slowly...Fire Quickly Mean?
How to Hire Slowly
How to Fire Quickly
Example dialogue from a Gallup study
Literature Search Findings on Hiring and Firing
Literature Search Findings on Best Practices in Telephone Service
Chapter 6: Root Causes of Agent Turnover
Turnover Root Cause Assessment Methodology
Phase I -- Initial On-Site Visit and Kick-Off Meetings
Phase Two --Off-Site Behind the Scenes Analysis
Phase Three --Validate Root Causes and Determine Potential and Realistic
Chapter 7: Comments From Contact Center Managers
Turning Managers (into Retention Champions)
Individualizing the CSR Experience
Provide Clear and Balanced Expectations
Investing in CSRs/Training
Belonging/Fun Place to Work/Part of the Team
Chance for Advancement
Effective Communication
Performance Based Incentives
Merit/productivity-based pay
Tools to do the job
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