Certified Quality Management Professional Boot Camp
5-day instructor-led class, includes CQMP certification exam - $4,995
On-site delivery available


A strategically-designed quality management program is a powerful driver of high-performance operations, capable of reducing talk time, hold time, after contact work, customer wait time (ASA), abandonment rate, and agent attrition. A well-designed quality management program is far more than call monitoring and computing agent scores. Quality management techniques streamline the operation, analyzing and reducing transfers, escalations, errors, and email turnaround times, while increasing documentation rates, customer satisfaction and net promoter scores. Quality management activities can even reduce the time callers spend in touch-tone menus and conversing with front-end bots and AI agents.  Is your center's quality function achieving all of this? Is the QA function accountable for analysis, measurable continuous quality improvements, and a financial return on investment in quality monitoring time? If not, it can be. And, it should be.

In this hands-on boot camp, attendees will learn how to execute their quality management responsibilities, from strategic planning tasks like setting quality policy, performing stakeholder analyses, identifying goals, drafting standard operating procedures, designing quality form components and scoring methodologies; to operational tasks like monitoring agents' calls, emails and documentation, establishing coaching best practices and appeal processes, informing trainers of quality findings, conducting agent coaching, calibrating QA consistency, and using metrics to improve contact center procedure. Attendees in this hands-on boot camp will work on all of these activities during the course, establishing valuable new material and catapulting quality professionals to new levels of contribution and accountability.

Quality expectations of the most critical stakeholder, the caller, will be discussed in depth. Attendees will be introduced to scientific research results that reveal exactly how quality is assessed in the mind of a caller. Participants will draft, in class, monitoring criteria to help contact center professionals fulfill and exceed preconceived caller expectations for quality.

Psychological drivers of employee commitment to the contact center will also be presented. Participants will learn which forms of agent commitment are scientifically correlated with high quality of service and how to cultivate the right kind of organizational commitment to raise quality, customer satisfaction, first contact resolution, employee satisfaction and agent retention.

Who Should Participate

The Certified Quality Management Professional certification boot camp is for managers and supervisors, executives, quality analysts and monitors, trainers, coaches and others responsible for continuous quality improvement.

Concepts, definitions, job roles and responsibilities described in this course may be more expansive than your organization's current QA function. For this reason, it is recommended that cross-functional resources attend CQMP boot camp together, from QA, training, management, coaching, and analytics.  Collaborating professionals will then be familiar with concepts, terminology, processes and responsibilities of a broader Quality Management function.

The CQMP certification process includes completion of a real-world performance improvement project that requires an executive business case justifying the proposed project. Such projects are more likely to be well received when reviewers are familiar with the new goals and procedures being presented.

In-House Group Training Option

On-site instructor-led delivery of the CQMP boot camp becomes more economical as the size of the group increases. If a number of professionals would benefit from  attending the CQMP course, consider scheduling a private session at your location. More information on arranging on-site private training is provided below.


Attendees should possess a basic understanding of what a call center is, basic call center terminology, and fundamental call center quality monitoring concepts. Course materials are in English, and attendees must possess a high level of English fluency.

Learning Objectives

Attendees will learn how to:

  • Draft the organization's quality policy and communicate commitments to various stakeholders.
  • Identify procedures and standards that encourage agent actions and behaviors that fulfill stakeholders' quality expectations.
  • Assess quality maturity and capabilities across seven contact center's process areas.
  • Perform a SWOT analysis to identify internal quality strengths and weaknesses, external quality opportunities and threats, strategies and contingency plans for each.
  • Review the top six caller quality expectations.
  • Understand when and how agent efforts impact customer wait times (speed of answer).
  • Use quality analyses to direct improvements to new hire training, coaching, internal process efficiencies, ACD call routing schemes, and agent reference materials and scripts.
  • Correlate internal quality data and external customer satisfaction data for insight into customer expectations, needs and preferences.
  • Assess employee job satisfaction in the call center and leverage correlations between call quality, customer satisfaction, first contact resolution, employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
  • Conduct stakeholder analyses to determine quality expectations of upper management, callers, agents, funders, partners, product development and other parties to contact center success.
  • Develop quality program launch communications and plans for stakeholders, agents, coaches, trainers, and supervisors.
  • Anticipate and address the top 10 agent concerns about new quality monitoring processes.
  • Format quality reports that keep upper management informed.
  • Compute the costs of quality monitoring and agent coaching, and document financial returns on investment.
  • Correlate quality efforts and actual service benefits to customers and callers
  • Calibrate customer satisfaction and monitoring scores
  • Capitalize on scientific research results that explain exactly how customers perceive quality.
  • Cultivate front-line behaviors that are scientifically proven to increase trust and caller satisfaction.
  • Launch an incremental skill development process that’s guaranteed to improve front-line quality.
  • Institute best practices for what to monitor, who should monitor, how much  to monitor, and how frequently.
  • Develop quality monitoring definition documents that spell-out objective criteria for scoring performance, for use by quality monitors and staff alike.
  • Discover how collaboration between quality professionals, trainers, coaches and SOP authors can produce astonishing performance efficiencies.
  • Accumulate monitoring data that will propel tomorrow’s most powerful performance improvement information.
  • Overhaul quality assessment practices across the contact center business, from monitoring IVR, chat, and text interactions to measuring standard operating procedures, quality of documentation, and training results.
  • Generate performance metrics and a balanced scorecard that quantifies and tracks the impact of your quality management program.
  • Experience what quality coaching is (and is not) and exactly what to do to plan and execute effective post-monitoring coaching sessions.
  • Build a coaching culture with quality data that motivates, builds confidence, and strengthens employee commitment.
  • Implement a cost-efficient quality improvement cycle that’s fast, targeted, frequent and regular.
  • Unleash an infectious, motivating and supportive quality-managed culture that raises morale, reduces turnover, and dispels the "big brother" image
  • Harness quality and performance results to refine training programs, focus mentoring activities, and fine-tune hiring criteria.

Deliverables and Take-Home Tools

In-class materials and take-home tools include:

  • Comprehensive course manual (an excellent post-training reference tool)
  • DiSC communication style assessment tool
  • Template for creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Template for creating quality definitions
  • Coaching discussion planner for post-monitoring coaching discussion
  • Quality monitoring form examples
  • Employee job satisfaction and commitment assessment tools
  • Adaptive communication cheat sheet for coaching
  • Real-time communication style profiling tool

Detailed Course Outline

Chapter 1 – Quality Policy, Assessment and Strategy

  • Quality Management (QM) and Quality Assurance (QA) differentiated
  • Establish the organization's Quality Policy
    • Identify stakeholder groups
    • Document the organization's quality commitments to each stakeholder group
  • QM critical success factors
    • Quality monitoring volumes and frequency
    • Repeating Continuous Quality Improvement cycle
      • Observation, evaluation, rating and scoring
      • Providing feedback, guidance, and setting goals
      • Regular  scheduled one-on-one coaching sessions
      • Individual training, refresher training aids, and self-study tools
    • Organizational commitments
      • Upper management commitment to fund and support
      • Workforce management commitment to schedule post-monitoring coaching and  agent refresher training time
  • The quality management process, in brief
    • Establish quality policy
    • Determine quality goals and objectives of stakeholders
    • Define, document and communicate quality standards
    • Evaluate front-line professionals' compliance with quality standards
    • Objectively measure quality and report trends and progress
    • Initiate and coordinate activities that drive quality improvement
    • Monitor and increase efficiencies of the quality management function
  • Quality, Quality Assurance, Quality Score, and Standard Operating Procedures defined
  • Complete a Quality Capability Maturity Assessment
    • Identify contact center process areas ripe for improvement
  • Complete a Quality SWOT
    • Document strategies to
      • Protect and enhance quality management strengths
      • Standardize processes to overcome quality weaknesses
      • Identify opportunities superior quality presents and strategies to pursue them
      • Identify threats poor quality creates, strategize ways to guard against negative outcomes, and brainstorm contingency plans
  • Document the quality vision statement
  • Document the quality mission statement

Chapter 2 – Call Center Metrics Review

  • Define and review front-line performance metrics that impact quality  that can be influences by quality standards
    • Efficiency metrics
      • Talk Time
      • Hold Time
      • After Contact Work / Wrap-up
      • Average Handle Time
    • Capacity metrics
      • Speed of Answer
      • Service Level
      • Attrition Rate
      • Cost of Attrition
      • Employee Job Satisfaction
    • Effectiveness metrics
      • Quality Score
      • Customer Satisfaction Score
      • Employee Satisfaction Scores
      • Error Rate
      • First Contact Resolution Rate
      • Conversion Rate
    • Productivity metrics
      • Transfer Rate
      • Escalation Rate

Chapter 3– Stakeholder Analyses

  • Determine stakeholder groups
    • Internal contact center stakeholders
    • Internal organizational stakeholders
    • External stakeholders impacted by contact center's quality and success
    • External indirect stakeholders with an interest in the quality the contact center provides
  • How to conduct a stakeholder analysis for each stakeholder group:
    • Evaluating stakeholder strategies, goals, and/or interests
    • Determining contact contributions to stakeholder goals and interests
    • Identifying specific contact center outcomes that support stakeholder goals
    • Quantitatively measuring outcomes
    • Elevating CSR actions, characteristics and behaviors supportive of stakeholder goals
    • Setting standards for actions and behaviors
    • Developing SOPs and specific tools and materials for CSRs
  • How to select and prioritize stakeholder-targeted quality components
  • Prepare the Quality Stakeholder Development Plan documents, identify/assess/determine
    • Stakeholder influence
    • Relationship to the Quality Management program
    • Potential financial and staffing contributions
    • Specific objectives
    • Proposed quality attribute
    • Call center impact classification: strategic, tactical or operational
    • Relative priority: mandatory, business critical, important or beneficial
    • Appropriate quality scoring scale: compliance or performance
    • Weighting factor recommendation
    • Implementation planning tasks
      • SOP authoring, authorization, posting
      • Inclusion in new hire training and availability /development of self-study refresher training
      • Announcement and distribution of the SOP and supporting materials to staff
    • Determining when stakeholder re-analysis is necessary
    • Quality Management communication tasks
      • Quality benefits to executive management
      • Quantifying corporate/organizational contributions/costs
      • Raising stakeholder and customer awareness
      • Communicating QM program benefits to agents
      • Communicating QM-driven benefits to customers/callers
    • Anticipate and address staff misgivings
      • QA process transparency
      • Potential for analyst bias
      • Objective vs. subjective scoring
      • Freedom from analyst preconceptions
      • Consistency in scoring
      • Elimination of favoritism
      • Value to CSRs
      • Impacts on agent stress
      • QA data sample representative of performance
    • Calculate quality monitoring cost per call
    • Calculate financial savings to be realized from each proposed quality management strategy proposed

Chapter 4– Customer Perceptions of Quality

  • Differentiate contact center quality and customer satisfaction
  • Quality defined, from the caller perspective
  • Differentiate and describe factors influencing customer satisfaction
    • General expectations
    • Caller characteristics
    • Service characteristics
    • Agent characteristics
  • Define quality monitoring criterion that encourage 18 critical agent characteristics and behaviors
    • Adaptability
    • Pace
    • Adaptive Communication
    • Attitude
    • Knowing and understanding the caller
    • Self-efficacy
    • Reliability
    • Commitment to quality and customer satisfaction
    • Explanation
    • Empathy
    • Empowerment
    • Competence
  • Draft the contact center's "Quality Culture" mission statement

Chapter 5 – Affective Commitment & Quality

  • Occupational psychology research in the call center industry - what the science tells us about create a quality culture
  • How agent job satisfaction and customer satisfaction are correlated
  • How agent job satisfaction and quality are correlated
  • Management practices that increase agent job satisfaction but decrease quality
  • Incentives that unwittingly decrease agents' commitment to callers
  • Understanding the meaning of organizational commitment
  • Types of organizational commitment
    • Affective commitment
    • Normative commitment
    • Continuous commitment
  • Drivers of affective commitment correlated with high-quality agent performance
  • Assessing/Surveying team members’ affective commitment
  • What science says about money as a motivator
  • When standardization and management control can negatively impact quality
  • Management models impact quality, absenteeism and attrition
  • Impact of contact center culture on service quality
  • How to nurture a supportive contact center culture
  • Establish quality metric reward programs
    • Popular contact center awards and rewards
    • Benefits and pitfalls

Chapter 6 – Quality Assurance (QA) Processes

  • Establish the quality requirements for your contact center
    • Establish current goals and improvement priorities
      • Customer focus
      • Compliance focus
      • Strategic focus
      • Efficiency focus
      • High impact focus
    • How to define quality monitoring standards
      • Standard operating procedures
      • Quality monitoring definitions document
      • Guidelines to be used in evaluating call quality
      • Level of monitoring detail
    • How to communicate quality monitoring goals and value to agents, customers, and management
  • Designing a quality monitoring form
    • Anatomy of a quality monitoring form
      • Capturing the most important identifying data attributes for future quality analyses
    • How to determine and categorize characteristics of a call that lead to quality
    • Defining categories, components and guidelines
    • Monitoring forms that incorporate the key service categories and call components
    • Creating a quality monitoring scoring system
    • Compliance scoring vs. performance scoring
      • Evaluating yes/no checklist vs. sliding scale scoring methods
    • Creating a weighted scoring system
    • How and when to make and communicate changes to the weighting system.
    • Setting quality score targets that motivate everyone.
    • When to use auto-fail
  • Establishing quality team responsibilities and parameters
    • Who monitors
    • 3 approaches for determining the volume of calls to be monitored
    • 7 monitoring methods, for all sizes and levels of technology
      • Advantages and caution points for each
    • 4 means of selecting calls to be monitored
    • Determining the timing of call monitoring activities
  • Quality metrics and performance evaluation standards
    • Measuring performance of the quality monitoring process
    • Measuring the performance of the quality monitoring team
  • Implementing a coaching and feedback loop for continuous improvement
    • The who, how, and when of providing effective monitoring feedback
  • The calibration process
    • Choosing calibration team members
    • Determining the frequency of calibration meetings
    • Critical tools for conducting calibration sessions
    • Calibration mathematics
    • Standard deviation targets
    • Processes for updating quality standards and guidelines
    • Reporting results and guidance
  • Quality monitoring software and capabilities
  • How to document the quality program and manage changes in the process
  • How to use quality scores as a marketing tool with key stakeholders

Chapter 7 - Communicating Continuous Quality Improvement

  • Benefits of communication style assessment
  • Assess your own DiSC communication style
  • Asses others’ communication profiles by evaluating
    • Pace, volume and tonality
    • Formal or casual approach
    • Humor style
    • Conflict style
    • Need for detail or quality
    • Mental organization
    • Body language
  • Adaptive communication techniques
    • How to profile a team member’s preferred communication style in real time
    • Maximizing understanding by adapting your communication style to a team member’s
      • Adjusting your tone
      • How to open the conversation
      • Interacting
      • Responding to concerns
      • Getting a commitment
    • Avoiding conflicts due to communication style differences

Chapter 8 – Coaching for Continuous Quality Improvement

  • Fundamentals of coaching
    • Performance coaching vs. career coaching
    • Your coaching role within the call center
    • Differences between coaching, critiquing, feedback and performance reviews
    • How to create a coaching culture
    • Qualities of an effective coach
    • Perform a coaching self-assessment
    • Assess your coaching fears and learn how to overcome them
    • Common coaching mistakes and strategies for avoiding mistakes
  • How to define and prepare for a coaching session
    • Pre-coaching phase preparation
    • Data you must bring to the coaching session
    • Preparing the coaching situation statement
    • Determining a disposition toward coaching based on motivation and performance levels
      • The four dispositions
      • Choosing a coaching strategy
      • Determining an appropriate investment in coaching time
    • Selecting a coaching method and preparing for responses
      • Different types of coaching conversations and how to correctly conduct each for maximum effect
        • Performance Improvement
        • Counseling
        • Teaching
        • Motivating
        • Investigative
      • The five types of employee responses and how to address them
    • Establishing a coaching plan
      • The coaching session Action Checklist
      • The 10-step coaching discussion planner
    • Practice coaching sessions
  • Conducting the coaching session
    • Coaching techniques; how and when to utilize them
      • Addressing opinions and push-back
      • Positive tone, words and body language
    • Notes, review, and good summarization technique
  • Post-coaching follow-up action planning
  • Post-coaching self-evaluation

Chapter 9 – Quality Management Project Planning

  • Selecting and prioritizing Quality Management projects
  • How to identify high-impact, affordable, worthwhile quality projects
    • Current capabilities
    • Financing criteria
    • Staffing requirements
    • Potential impact
  • Creating a business plan
  • Proposing plans to management for approval
  • Selecting, planning, and implementing your CQMP certification project

Certification Process

The Certified Quality Management Professional (CQMP) certification is officially recognized by the RCCSP Professional Education Alliance and its members. This is an internationally-recognized certification.

The certification process consists of three parts:

  • Participation in a 5-day competency-based CQMP preparatory training course
  • A passing score on the online CQMP certification exam
  • Completion of a certification project

Class Attendance: Participants will complete a five-day instructor-led course, where they will participate in hands-on learning and group exercises under the observation of a Certified RCCSP instructor. Upon successful completion of the course, an online login and password will be sent by email with instructions for accessing the certification exam.

Certification Exam: After the course, participants will have four weeks in which to take the online certification exam. The certification exam is comprised of 75 questions and candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam. Candidates must achieve at least an 80% score in order to obtain certification.

Certification Project: To be completed within 6 months of completing the course.

Participants will be given a list of project topics and will submit their topic within two weeks of completing the certification exam.

Topics will include items covered in the certification class such as creating and implementing:

  • Quality monitoring process plan
  • Quality management operating level agreement
  • Quality definitions document
  • Quality monitoring form and scoring system
  • Quality team metric scorecard
  • Calibration process plan and standard operating procedures
  • Standard operating procedure authoring process, update and distribution procedures
  • New hire training module on quality monitoring
  • And many other options

To increase the likelihood of every participant successfully completing the certification project, a certification project review team member will be available by phone and email to provide feedback during the work project portion of the process. The Certified Quality Management Professional CQMP certification will be awarded upon approval and acceptance of the candidate's business plan and documents evidencing project completion. Those certified will receive a custom-engraved crystalline CQMP award and use of the CQMP moniker.

Course Instructors

RCCSP faculty instructors have both call center management and training delivery expertise.  They are certified at  the “Master Trainer” level for delivery of this course and will adapt the course delivery to meet the needs of participants' varying levels of experience and differing call center environments. RCCSP's faculty includes instructors experienced in non-profit and government contact center environments, in addition to large and small for-profit environments.  Instructors are located throughout the USA.

Registration Fees

The per student registration fee for this training and certification program is $4,995 and includes:

  • 5-day instructor-led training
  • All training materials
  • Course certificate of completion
  • Certification exam fees
  • Morning and afternoon coffee each day

To register, follow the "Book Now" link below or call (708) 246-0320. 

Seminar Schedule

Nov 18-22, 2024 Orlando, FL Embassy Suites International Drive Convention Center
Feb 24-28, 2025 Atlanta, GA Embassy Suites Atlanta Buckhead
Apr 14-18, 2025 Seattle, WA Double Tree Seattle Airport Southcenter
Aug 11-15, 2025 Chicago, IL Centennial Center, Schaumburg
Nov 10-14, 2025 Chicago, IL Centennial Center, Schaumburg

Class Start and Stop Times & Dress Code

Class begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 5:00 PM each day. Morning coffee service begins at 8:30 AM. Business casual attire is appropriate. No jeans or sneakers please.

In-House Training Option

In-house, on-site training offers the added benefits of facilitated team interaction and a confidential environment where plans, processes, and policies can be openly discussed. For contact centers with a number of quality, coaching, and training development professionals, on-site training can maximize your training investment.

All-inclusive pricing for an on-site course delivered at your location is determined based on a "base fee" for up to four attendees, and a per person fee for each attendee thereafter.

  • Base fee for up to 4 participants - $19,995 includes:
    • 5-day instructor-led training course
    • All training materials
    • Materials shipping costs
    • Forms, templates, surveys, checklists and other tools to jump-start quality improvement initiatives
    • Instructor's travel and lodging expenses (for course deliveries in the continental US)
    • Certificates of completion
    • CQMP certification exam
    • Consulting support for certification projects the boot camp and by email and phone thereafter
    • Engraved, crystalline certification awards for candidates earning certification.
  • Additional participants - $1,595 each

Additional travel surcharges apply to travel outside of the continental USA and for seminars scheduled within three weeks, or paid for within three weeks, of the course delivery date.

The training site should provide suitable meeting space, any desired meals or refreshments, and the following presentation supplies:

  • Two easels with self-stick flip chart paper and markers
  • Projection screen for instructor's power point presentation

Certified Quality Management Professional, up to 4 participants, $19,995
Additional Attendees, $1,595 per person

For more training course options, see the entire Contact Center Training Calendar of dates and locations.

For more IT, technical and field support training course options, see the Help Desk, ITIL, and Support Center Calendar.

Terms & Conditions

Seminar agenda and assigned instructors are subject to change.

Payment is due prior to the seminar.

Public seminar cancellation policy.  Registrants may cancel up to fourteen days in advance of the seminar start date for a full refund, less administrative fees of $400.  Or, you may transfer your registration to another date or member of your company at no additional charge.  Please notify us as soon as possible. Registrants cancelling within fourteen days of the seminar will receive credit, less administrative fees of $400, toward any other Resource Center seminar.

On-site training scheduling and cancellation policy.  On-site training fees must be paid to reserve a training date.  Additional travel surcharges will be charged for travel to training locations outside of the continental USA and for training courses scheduled within three weeks, or paid for within three weeks, of the on-site delivery date. Organizations may cancel up to 21 days in advance of the seminar delivery date for a full refund, less administrative fees of 25% of the base fee.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the training, please notify the instructor by the end of the first day. If you decide to cancel the remainder of the training program, the instructor will collect all training materials.  Fees paid, less a prorata one-day on-site training base fee plus any travel surcharges, will be refunded.

Cancellation by provider. In the unlikely event that a seminar must be cancelled by seminar provider due to unavoidable circumstances, you will be notified at least two weeks prior to the seminar date, and your payment will be refunded.

Seminar provider is not responsible for losses due to cancellation including losses and penalties on advanced or non-refundable airfares.

In all circumstances, seminar provider's liability shall be limited to fees received.

Become a certified callcenter manager

Dates, Locations and Registration

What some past attendees say...

"Highly impressed. Excellent resource for any contact center that is serious about the employee experience and customer experience. Without question, the best training I've received."
-- Customer Experience & Quality Assurance Supervisor, The Bank of Missouri

"This is absolutely necessary for the overall success of any call center and should be incorporated into the role requirements for any supervisor, manager, and director. Presented here is the high level information, breakdown of the process, and implementation aspects. This will directly impact and improve employee and customer satisfaction. I would encourage anyone seeking to expand their understanding of quality management and wanting to help improve the way their organization functions to take this course."
-- Manager 211 Quality Assurance, Heart of Florida United Way

"This is the training course and material we will use to start our Quality Assurance Program. It was more detailed than other programs or conferences I previewed. RCCSP is very knowledgeable with a tremendous amount of experience. This entire course was extremely beneficial."
-- Quality Assurance Coordinator, Basin Electric Power Cooperative

"The relevant, open, flexible discussion format provided significant education and insight into many facets of the customer service arena. This was really valuable for my personal growth. A worthy investment for our agency"
-- Quality Control Program Manager, U.S. Department of Defense, Finance and Accounting Services

"Very professional and competent as regards the instructor's ability and the quality of the course. I would train with RCCSP again, definitely, because of the proven ability of the instructor's knowledge and way of teaching, and the quality of the course."
-- Quality Assurance Manager, Multi Contact Ltd., Mauritius

"Very valuable. We will be putting structures in place for training and quality monitoring as a result of this course. The instructor is very experienced and takes time to explain and provide guidance to her audience. She is very professional, fun and focused. I totally enjoyed the experience. Practical and mentally taxing, this course gives you the opportunity to share in other attendees' experiences."
-- Quality Assurance Manager, Heritage Banking Company Ltd.

"I plan to confidently go forward with more 'official' standard operating procedures and implement a quality monitoring program. As a call center professional of over 19 years, I've realized there is so much more to learn. I would absolutely attend another RCCSP course."
-- Contact Center Director, Scottsdale Medical Imaging

"The training was intensive and very hands-on. It provided the insight we need - looking at the contact center from a different perspective. I gained a lot of terminology and ideas I can to put to use. This is a knowledgeable organization, with an abundance of information and years of practice."
-- QA Program Coordinator, Switchboard of Miami

"WOW - where do I start - this was very educational, covering many topics I would never even have thought of. Our center will be developing SOPs, training, nesting, true coaching, and using DiSC. If I may - Flippin' Awesome!"
-- Operations Management Consultant, DCF ACCESS, State of Florida

"This training program was more on-point than other contact center courses I've attended. It was very detailed and offered helpful information. I anticipate improving our coaching program as a result. Very professional."
-- Quality Analyst, Metro PCS

"A knowledgeable and professional organization with excellent ideas. I expect a revision of our training program as a result of the good ideas on process change."
-- Senior Director, Data Collection and Quality, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

"RCCSP is an important resource for the industry. They take a deeper dive into the material."
-- Learning Consultant, Greater Twin Cities United Way 2-1-1

"I am very pleased to have learned about concepts that are based on a wide variety of scientifically proven research. This course was much more in depth in terms of content and implementation-ready tools."
-- Information and Referral Coordinator, Mansfield/Richmond County Public Library

"RCCSP is extremely knowledgeable in all things contact center. Reference materials are excellent. Instructor was professional and engaging. This course was very informative and held my interest. After attending, I will be developing program-specific refresher training and revamping the quality form for our quarterly quality reviews."
-- Program Analyst, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

"RCCSP is very knowledgeable and trustworthy. Training dives deep into areas where managers and specialists can benefit to improve our contact center. We will be updating quality monitoring forms to help with behavior change."
-- Assistant Manager, Information and Referral, United Way

"This was very informative. We will see positive improvements in training, nesting programs, high-impact training, monitoring and coaching."
-- Medicaid Team Leader, UWASC

"The course materials and resources were very helpful. We will be making improvements to the Quality program, increasing cross training, and sharing knowledge with other departments."
-- Quality Assurance Manager, United Way of Greater Atlanta

"As a result of this training, I anticipate positive improvement in coaching, improvement in hiring and attrition, and improvement in the QA process."
-- Managing Director, Rollins, Inc.

"RCCSP's robust certification process certainly adds value to this training. The emphasis on passing an exam ensures the knowledge is retained and useful on the job. The certification project requirement ensures a positive return on investment to the business. I look forward to taking some of RCCSP's more advanced courses after this experience."
-- Manager, EHI Inc.

"Good info. I anticipate quality changes and a shift in focus off what we know already towards new initiatives as a result of this course."
-- Customer Service Manager, Zappos

"My initial thought was to verify if the Alliance certification carried any weight. But, after surfing the web for alternatives, I was referred back to RCCSP. By far the best!!"
-- Associate Contact Center Manager, ICF International

"This is way better than other training classes. The positive takeaways are too many to count."
-- Assistant Manager, CHS Medical

"The relevant, open, flexible discussion format provided significant education and insight into many facets of the customer service arena. Being new to management in a call center environment, this was really valuable for my personal growth. A worthy investment for our agency."
-- Quality Control Program Manager, DFAS

"I expect to see better attention to the customer experience and increased quality as a result of this training. RCCSP is helpful, supportive and professional. I would attend another RCCSP course, to increase my knowledge base and help me be better at my job."
-- 2-1-1 Director, United Way of Salt Lake City

"The value of this training is huge. RCCSP is an impressive organization on providing training and mentoring. All the material we reviewed during the training was very complete and helpful, and delivered effectively."
-- Quality Assurance Assistant, 211 San Diego

"This course was designed to give us exactly the type of information that we needed to improve our contact center and our statewide system. The information was relevant, valuable, and backed by scientific evidence. I appreciated receiving best practices information -- the new stuff, but especially the information that I generally knew (or thought I knew) but didn't have the science to back up my actions! The RCCSP has done the leg work to provide us with information that we can share with our centers that has scientific backing -- giving us strength to take it back."
-- 2-1-1 Program Director, HandsOn Battle Creek

"As a result of this training, we will have better management of our staff resources. My impression of RCCSP is one of professional, knowledgeable experts!!! This is indeed Contact Center! Information"
-- QA Manager, 2-1-1 San Diego

"I expect an increase in coaching and quality assurance in our center following this training. It was extremely well prepared and researched, much more comprehensive than other call center training courses I've attended in the past."
-- Director, United Way of Greater Houston

"Very professional training course and company. We will be redesigning training and reviewing the QA process, starting with a SWOT analysis."
-- Quality Assurance Manager, Metro PCS

"I expect positive changes in the performance and efficiency of the call center as a result of this training. I would attend another RCCSP training in order to further my knowledge on practices applicable to the call center."
-- HR and Quality Manager, Multi Contact Ltd

"Very valuable. We will be putting structures in place for training and quality monitoring as a result of this course. The instructor is very experienced and takes time to explain and provide guidance to her audience. Practical and mentally taxing, this course gives you the opportunity to share in other attendees' experiences."
-- Quality Assurance Manager, Heritage Banking Company Ltd., Nigeria

"A knowledgeable and professional organization with excellent ideas. I expect a revision of our training program as a result of the good ideas on process change."
-- Senior Director, Data Collection and Quality, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

"After attending, I am expecting a lot of really great small gains in terms of coaching and monitoring that will drive positive growth and capacity. I'm left with a positive, professional sense of RCCSP and their good work."
-- Assistant Director of Global Advising Center, Global Educators

"This course was excellent. The instructor provided a significant amount of crucial information in a manageable format. The quality of our customer services will drastically improve with the information received. RCCSP has a grasp on industry standards and provides creative tools to help centers meet and exceed them."
-- Call Center Supervisor, Prison Fellowship Ministries, Landsdowne, VA

"This class is a 5 out of 5. I learned quite a lot and am excited to share my knowledge with the rest of my team. I'll get a return on this investment, with continued improvements to mentoring and coaching of staff for upward mobility. I want to next attend the RCCSP Workforce Management Certification Boot Camp, Comprehensive Call Center Metrics, and the Call Center Engineering Certification course."
-- Call Center Director, Universal Companies, Abingdon, VA

Recommended Follow-on Courses:
Comprehensive Contact Center Metrics

Call Center Manager Training and Certification

Call Center Executive Management Boot Camp

Survey Design and Analysis Workshop

Training Schedules:
  » Call Center
  » IT Support

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