Call Center Manager Training and Certification
5 in-person days, or 8 virtual half-days of instructor-led training, includes certification exam - $4,995
On-site delivery available ~ Private one-on-one virtual option ~ Private onsite executive level course


Learn the art and science of contact center management. Hone tactical skills you can utilize every day. Jump-start your center's improvement initiatives. And, earn the industry's most prestigious credential.

Attend the most popular management certification program in the call center industry. The curriculum focuses on comprehensive skills and knowledge necessary to manage a small, midsize, new, or challenged center. Course content covers tactical management responsibilities, from the most fundamental tasks of hiring, training, coaching, maintaining morale, forecasting, scheduling, and using performance metrics; all the way through quality assurance, cost management, strategy, leadership and more.

Each participant is put through the paces in this hands-on course, with self-assurance and confidence-building as instructional objectives. Hands-on tools, software, a forms library, benchmarks, and action plans used in class are packaged up for the participant to take back to the office so that newly learned skills and methods can be immediately applied.

What You Will Learn

Participants will learn to:

  • Assess the current state of the call center
  • Understand key metrics and the relationship between metrics
  • Use a scorecard approach for monitoring key metrics and reporting results to staff and upper management
  • Set realistic metric targets
  • Implement systemic changes that reduce call handling time
  • Apply queuing and distribution engineering techniques that lower customer wait time
  • Understand what drives staff turnover and what drives staff retention
  • Quantify the annual cost of attrition
  • Streamline the IVR with dialog design best practices
  • Create a mathematical business case to support staffing requests for staffing to upper management
  • Best practices for forecasting call volume, calculating call work load, and scheduling staff
  • Use Erlang formulas and workforce management tools to calculate the staffing needed to meet service level commitments
  • Create a call center Standard Operating Procedures manual that includes best practices for call handling, documentation and customer service
  • Design a training strategy and establish training plans for new hires, mentoring, and on-going training
  • Successfully motivate and retain staff
  • Establish quality monitoring requirements
  • Construct quality monitoring forms
  • Conduct a successful coaching conversation
  • Build a road map for implementing performance improvement and process improvement projects

Course Chapters

Chapter 1 - Strategy and Assessment

Chapter 2 - Metrics and Key Performance Indicators

Chapter 3 - Call Center Technology

Chapter 4 - Forecasting and Scheduling

Chapter 5 - Staffing

Chapter 6 - Training and Retention

Chapter 7 - Quality Monitoring

Chapter 8 - Coaching and Communication

Chapter 9 - Call Center Project Planning

Deliverables and Tools

  • Current call center assessment
  • SWOT analysis template for assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your call center
  • Templates for creating service level and operating level agreements
  • Template for creating a standard operating procedures manual
  • Revelation by RCCSP™ - a leading workforce planning, scheduling, and performance analysis software tool.
  • Quality monitoring form templates
  • Sample metrics reports and tools
  • Skill needs analysis template
  • Phone screening interview template
  • Interviewing questions based on skill needs
  • Sample hiring letter
  • Sample rejection letter
  • Sample customer satisfaction survey tools
  • Coaching discussion planner template to plan and script coaching discussions based on readiness levels
  • 5 days of instructor led training, with activities, discussion, and practical application of new skills
  • Student course manual and call center management reference
  • CD containing tools, templates, and software used in class
  • Post-course instructor coaching and email support

Who Should Participate

The RCCSP Call Center Manager Certification training course is ideal for new and experienced contact center supervisors, managers, and executive with call center oversight, who wish to improve their skills and earn an internationally recognized certification, including:

  • Contact center, help desk, and support center managers
  • Business professionals being transferred to the call center
  • Professionals responsible for improving or re-organizing an existing center
  • Directors and executives with call center oversight
  • Leaders charged with forming a new call center department or business or managing with metrics
  • Supervisors with expanding responsibilities
  • Contact center recruiters, coaches, trainers, mentors and quality assurance professionals


Attendees should possess a basic understanding of what a call center is, how calls flow into a center, and basic call center terminology. Course materials are in English, and attendees must possess a high level of English fluency.


Day 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Call Center Assessment

  • Introductions and overview of the CCMC course
    • Goals and learning objectives for the CCMC course
  • Perform a current assessment of your call center
  • Perform a call center SWOT analysis
  • Define a call center vision statement
  • Identify and document near-term strategies for your call center

Day 2

Chapter 2 - Metrics and Key Performance Indicators

  • Assess your current use of Key Performance Indicators
  • Understand the importance difference between metrics and Key Performance Indicators
  • How to classify metrics for a performance management scorecard
  • Understand each of the top call center metrics and performance indicators
    • A definition of the measure
    • Useful scorecard classifications
    • How to calculate the measure
    • How to use the metric or KPI in managing the call center
    • The relationships between key metrics
    • Establishing call center metric target values
    • Evaluating results
    • ABA - Abandonment Rate
    • ACW - After Contact Work
    • AUX - Auxiliary Time
    • Available Time
    • AHT - Average Handle Time
    • ASA - Average Speed of Answer
    • Attrition Rates
    • ATT - Average Talk Time
    • Blockage
    • Calls in Queue
    • Contacts per Agent
    • Conversion Rates
    • CPC - Cost Per Contact
    • Customer Satisfaction
    • Employee Satisfaction
    • Error Rates
    • FCR- First Contact Resolution
    • Forecasting Accuracy
    • Hold Time
    • Idle Time
    • OCC - Occupancy
    • Quality
    • Schedule Adherence
    • Schedule Efficiency
    • Self-Service Utilization
    • SL - Service Level
    • Staff Shrinkage
    • Transfer Rate
  • How to use metrics and KPIs to achieve call center success
    • Verify that selected KPI's are valid performance measures for your call center
    • Conduct a Stakeholder KPI Analysis
    • Linking KPI target values to call center strategies and objectives
    • Align key metrics with customer expectations and satisfaction
    • Create your KPI Scorecard
  • Understand the importance and use of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Operational Level Agreements (OLAs)
    • How to create and manage SLAs and OLAs

Day 3

Chapter 3 - Call Center Technology

  • The role of technology in the call center
  • Tracking the flow of calls through various technologies in the call center
  • Call center technology tools and how tools are being used within the call center structure
  • Current trends in call center technology
  • Best practices for creating IVR scripts
  • The pros and cons of virtual call centers
    • Benefits and risks of virtual call center reps
    • Business considerations before adding virtual reps
    • What to include in your Telecommuting Standard Operating Procedures manual
  • Workforce management software

Chapter 4 - Forecasting and Scheduling

  • Forecasting future call center volume and demands
    • Key forecasting principles
    • Metrics that effect forecasting
    • Forecasting limitations
    • Volume variation patterns that can facilitate forecasting
    • Planning for the forecasting process
      • Time intervals that correspond to variations in call volume
      • Selecting a forecasting time horizon
      • Planning for unanticipated changes or events
      • Assessing forecasting risks and hazards
      • Performing analyses
      • How and when judgment and intuition play a role in forecasting
  • Forecasting call center agent workload
    • How to collect workload metrics
    • Analyzing historic call volumes and predicting variations and trends
    • How to calculate and forecast future workload
  • Forecasting required staffing levels
    • Calculating staffing requirements using the Erlang C formula
    • Shrinkage and how it impacts call center productivity
      • Causes
      • How to correctly calculate shrinkage
      • Opportunities for controlling shrinkage
      • Developing a plan for controlling shrinkage
    • Adherence to schedule and how it impacts the call center
      • Schedule adherence variances
      • Calculating schedule adherence
      • Tactics for improving agents' adherence to scheduled
  • Creating optimal staffing schedules
    • Schedule optimization techniques
    • Using workforce management software
  • Developing an action plan for improving forecasting and scheduling in your call center

Chapter 5 - Staffing the Call Center

  • Building your call center staff using the RCCSP 10-Step Staffing Model
  • Assessing current call center staffing conditions
    • The current staff hiring process review
    • Skill gaps
    • Current attrition and its impact
      • Calculate the cost of attrition
      • Examine causes of attrition
      • Develop a plan to reduce attrition
    • The exit interview process
    • Working forecasted staffing requirements and workforce management practices into the process
  • Prepare a business case
  • Perform an Agent Skills Analysis
  • Perform an Agent Skills Gap Analysis
  • Call center job descriptions
  • Conducting an agent search
    • Methods of searching for qualified candidates
    • HR Operating Level Agreements and the value of establishing parameters of support
    • Techniques for developing an employee referral program

Day 4

Chapter 5 - Staffing the Call Center (continued)

  • Pre-screening processes
  • Correct use of candidate testing and assessments
    • Developing a testing process
    • Types of pre-employments skills tests and other assessments
  • Simulation and observation techniques in hiring
    • Developing the process
    • How to select appropriate simulations
    • Methods of observation
    • Observation planning steps
  • Face to face interviewing
    • Behavioral-based interviewing techniques
    • How to align the interviewing process with the job skills analysis
  • The job offer
    • Verifying criteria for employment
    • How to draft effective offer and rejection letters

Chapter 6 - Training and Retention

  • The impact of an effective training program
  • Preparing the business case
    • Appropriate budget allocation for call center training
    • How to evaluate the current call center training plan and its effectiveness
  • The continuous improvement call center agent training cycle
    • New hire training
    • Nested transitional training
    • Up training
    • Refresher training
  • How to develop and communicate standard operation procedures
  • A training program development design methodology
  • Analysis of call center training needs
    • How to conduct a training needs analysis
    • Identifying training program stakeholders
    • Prepare a Stakeholder Impact Analysis
  • Training program design
  • How to establish training goals and objectives

Chapter 7 - The Quality Monitoring Process

  • Establish the quality requirements for your call center
    • Quality management defined
    • Defining the organization's concept of quality
    • Developing a quality monitoring program mission statement
    • How to define quality monitoring standards
    • Aligning quality objectives with customer satisfaction
    • How to communicate quality monitoring goals and value to agents, customers, and management
  • Designing a quality monitoring form
    • Build a new monitoring form based on seven best practices
    • How to determine and categorize characteristics of a call that lead to quality
    • Guidelines to be used in evaluating call quality
    • Monitoring forms that incorporate the key service categories and call components
    • Creating a quality monitoring scoring system
    • How to define agent scoring objectives
  • Establishing quality team responsibilities and parameters
    • Who monitors
    • How often should calls be monitored
    • Who provides post-monitoring coaching
    • The volume of calls to monitor
    • Methods by which call can be monitored
    • Determining the frequency and timing of call monitoring activities
  • Performance evaluation standards
    • Performance measures for the quality monitoring process
    • Performance measures for the quality monitoring team
  • Implementing a coaching and feedback loop for continuous improvement
    • The who, how, and when of providing effective monitoring feedback
  • The calibration process
    • Standard deviation and uniformity of scoring -- how they relate
    • How to compute and use standard deviation to improve quality in monitoring
  • Quality monitoring software and capabilities
  • How to document the quality program and manage changes in the process
  • How to use quality scores as a marketing tool with key stakeholders

Day 5

Chapter 8 - Communication and Coaching for Improved Performance

  • Profiling Your Communication Style
    • DiSC communication profiling tool
  • Recognizing Communication Styles
    • Communicating with others that share your preferred style:
    • Review, demonstration, and differentiation:
      • Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious styles
    • What communication style profiling can tell you about the team member to be coached
      • Preferred work environment
      • Preferred speaking pace
      • Motivations
      • Measures of progress
      • Fears
      • Irritations
      • Major limitations
      • Effectiveness enhancers
    • Predictable communication expectations, shortcomings and flashpoints, by communication style
  • Real-time Communications Style Profiling
    • When to assess a caller's communication style
    • How to assess a team member's communication style
    • Recognizing the communication style of a team member in conflict
  • Real-Time Adaptation Skills
    • Adapting your communication style to a team member's
    • How to alter your communication style for optimal mutual understanding
      • Tone of voice
      • Opening
      • Interaction style
      • Communicating evidence
      • Requesting action
    • Identifying the particular aspects of your own style that can conflict with the caller's
    • How to adjust to avoid conflicts in style
  • Fundamentals of coaching
    • The special role of a coach
    • Your coaching role within the call center
    • Differences between coaching, critiquing, feedback and performance reviews
    • How to create a coaching culture
    • Qualities of an effective coach
    • Perform a coaching self-assessment
    • Assess your coaching fears and learn how to overcome them
    • Common coaching mistakes and strategies for avoiding mistakes
  • Preparing for a coaching session
    • Pre-coaching phase preparation
    • The coaching situation statement
    • Determining a person's disposition based on motivation and performance levels
      • The four dispositions
    • Selecting a coaching method and preparing for responses
      • Different types of coaching conversations and how to correctly conduct each for maximum effect
        • Performance Improvement
        • Counseling
        • Teaching
        • Motivating
        • Investigative
      • The five types of employee responses and how to address them
    • Establishing a coaching plan for team leads and supervisors
      • The 11-step coaching self-assessment
      • The coaching session Action Checklist
      • The 10-step coaching discussion planner
    • Practice coaching sessions
  • Conducting the coaching session
    • Coaching techniques; how and when to utilize them
      • Active listening
      • Proactive questioning
      • Positive tone, words and body language
    • Notes, review, and good summarization technique
  • Post-coaching follow-up action planning

Chapter 9 - Performance Improvement Project Planning

  • Selecting and prioritizing performance improvement projects
  • How to identify high-impact, affordable, worthwhile improvement projects
    • Financing criteria
    • Staffing requirements
    • Impact criteria
  • Creating a business plan
  • Proposing plans to management for approval
  • Selecting, planning, and implementing your CCMC certification project

Certification and Testing

The Certified Call Center Manager (CCCM) certification is officially recognized by the RCCSP Professional Education Alliance and its members.  This is an internationally-recognized certification.

The certification process consists of three parts:

  • Class attendance
  • Achieving a passing score on the online certification exam
  • Completion of a certification project

Demonstration of Learned Skills: Participants will complete a three-day instructor-led training course, where they will participate in hands-on learning and group exercises and demonstrate competencies under the observation of a Certified RCCSP instructor.  Upon successful completion of the course, an online login and password will be sent by email with instructions for accessing the knowledge-assessment certification exam.

Certification Exam: After the course, participants will have four weeks in which to take the online knowledge assessment exam. The certification exam is comprised of 75 questions and candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam. Candidates must achieve at least an 80% score in order to obtain certification.

Certification Project: To be completed within 6 months of completing the course.

Participants will be given a list of project topics and will submit their topic for approval within two weeks of completing the certification exam.

Topics will include items covered in the certification class such as creating and implementing:

  • A call center Service Level Agreement
  • A marketing plan
  • A metrics report using a balanced scorecard approach
  • A coaching discussion planner
  • A staffing or hiring business case
  • A quality monitoring form or calibration process
  • A call center team skills gap analysis
  • A customer satisfaction survey
  • Quality monitoring standard operating procedure manual
  • Agent standard operating procedures manual
  • And many other options

To increase the likelihood of every participant successfully completing the certification project, feedback requested will be provided by the Certification Project Review Committee throughout your project. The Certified Call Center Manager CCCM certification will be awarded upon approval and acceptance of the candidate's completed project.

5-Day Accelerated Boot Camp Classroom and Private One-on-One Virtual Options

Want to get more done in less time?  The accelerated 5-day Call Center Management Boot Camp includes an accelerated 4-day Call Center Manager Training and Certification course, plus an additional day of hands-on workshop with one-on-one guidance.  Over the course of the 5-day accelerated workshop, you will:

  • Assess your center's capabilities in each process area
  • Take a deeper dive into the call center management areas of greatest interest to you
  • Prepare strategic plans for improving your center
  • Select a work project that will benefit your center
  • Start work on your project immediately
  • Get forms, templates, software, and the one-on-one guidance you need, in the classroom, from RCCSP industry leaders
  • Complete work on your call center improvement project of choice.

Private One-on-One Virtual Call Center Management Certification Boot Camp Option

Train and work virtually with a your private RCCSP executive consultant and trainer, one-on-one, over eight personalized half-days. You will complete a tailored call center manager certification training course focused on what's most important for your center, and receive expert guidance on a real-world certification project. Private One-on-One Virtual Call Center Management Certification Boot Camp offers RCCSP's premier learning experience.

Learn more about the private onsite executive version of this course, 5-day Private Onsite Executive Management Boot Camp for a robust shared workshop on strategic contact center management and oversight for executives

Course Instructors

RCCSP faculty instructors have both call center management and training delivery expertise.  They are certified at  the “Master Trainer” level for delivery of this course and will adapt the course delivery to meet the needs of participants' varying levels of experience and differing call center environments. RCCSP's faculty includes instructors experienced in non-profit and government contact center environments, in addition to large and small for-profit environments.  Instructors are located throughout the USA.

Registration Fees

The per student registration fee for this training and certification program is $4,995 and includes:

  • Instructor-led training
  • All training materials
  • Course certificate of completion
  • Certification exam fees
  • Morning coffee, lunch and Afternoon refreshments each day.(in-person)

To register, follow the "Book Now" link below or call (708) 246-0320.

Seminar Schedule (see accelerated certification Boot Camp private and open session dates here.)

Oct 21-25, 2024 Orlando, FL Embassy Suites International Drive Convention Center
Nov 4-15, 2024 8 virtual sessions
Nov 4,6-8 & Nov 12-15
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Dec 10-20, 2024 8 virtual sessions
Dec 10-13 & Dec 17-20
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Jan 27-31, 2025 Orlando, FL Embassy Suites International Drive Convention Center
Feb 4-14, 2025 8 virtual sessions
Feb 4-7 & Feb 11-14
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Mar 31-Apr 4, 2025 Orlando, FL Embassy Suites International Drive Convention Center
Apr 14-18, 2025 Nashville, TN Spaces Riverfront Park
May 14-18, 2025 Anaheim, CA Embassy Suites Anaheim South
May 27-Jun 6, 2025 8 virtual sessions
May 27-30 & Jun 3-6
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Jun 9-13, 2025 Chicago, IL Centennial Center, Schaumburg
Aug 25-29, 2025 Chicago, IL Centennial Center, Schaumburg
Sep 2-12, 2025 8 virtual sessions
Sep 2-5 & Sep 9-12
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Sep 15-19, 2025 Seattle, WA Double Tree Seattle Airport Southcenter
Oct 7-17, 2025 8 virtual sessions
Oct 7-10 & Oct 14-17
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Oct 21-31, 2025 8 virtual sessions
Oct 21-24 & Oct 28-31
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Nov 11-21, 2025 8 virtual sessions
Nov 11-14 & Nov 18-21
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Dec 9-19, 2025 8 virtual sessions
Dec 9-12 & Dec 16-19
12:00 Noon CST - 4:00 PM CST
Dec 8-12, 2025 Orlando, FL Embassy Suites International Drive Convention Center
Mar 23-27, 2026 Atlanta, GA Embassy Suites Atlanta Buckhead

Class Start and Stop Times & Dress Code

In-person classes begin at 9:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM each day. Morning coffee service begins at 8:30 AM. Business casual attire is appropriate. No jeans or sneakers please.

Virtual sessions run Tuesday-Friday over two consecutive weeks for a total of 32 hours. Attendees are assigned daily homework assignments for completion outside of class. Morning virtual sessions begin at 9:00 AM CST and end at 1:00 PM CST each day. Afternoon sessions run 2:00 PM CST to 6:00 PM CST each day.

In-House Training Option

In-house, on-site training offers the added benefits of facilitated team interaction; a confidential environment where plans, processes, and policies can be openly discussed; minimized travel costs; and little or no travel time.  For support centers with a number of managers, supervisors, and team leads, on-site training can maximize your training investment.

Pricing for an on-site course delivered at your location is determined based on a "Base Fee" for up to four attendees, and a per person fee for each attendee thereafter.  On-site fees are all inclusive:

  • Base Fee for up to 4 participants - $19,995 includes:
    • Instructor-led training course
    • All training materials
    • Includes all instructor's travel and lodging expenses (for onsite presentations of 16 or less participants, in the continental US)
    • Certification exam fees and certificates of completion
    • E-mail and phone support to provide post-course certification project guidance
  • Additional participants - $1,795 each

Additional travel surcharges will be charged for travel outside of the continental USA and for seminars scheduled within three weeks, or paid for within three weeks, of the onsite delivery date.

The customer site must provide suitable meeting space, any desired meals or refreshments, and the following presentation supplies:

  • A flipchart easel with self-stick flipchart paper and markers
  • Projection screen

Call Center Manager On-site or Private Virtual Training and Certification, up to 4 participants, $19,995
Additional Attendees, $1795 per person

For more training course options, see the entire Contact Center Training Calendar of dates and locations.

For more IT, technical and field support training course options, see the Help Desk, ITIL, and Support Center Calendar.

Terms & Conditions

Seminar agenda and assigned instructors are subject to change.

Payment is due prior to the seminar.

Public seminar cancellation policy.  Registrants may cancel up to fourteen days in advance of the seminar start date for a full refund, less administrative fees of $400.  Or, you may transfer your registration to another date or member of your company at no additional charge.  Please notify us as soon as possible. Registrants cancelling within fourteen days of the seminar will receive credit, less administrative fees of $400, toward any other Resource Center seminar.

On-site training scheduling and cancellation policy.  On-site training fees must be paid to reserve a training date.  Additional travel surcharges will be charged for travel to training locations outside of the continental USA and for training courses scheduled within three weeks, or paid for within three weeks, of the on-site delivery date.Organizations may cancel up to 21 days in advance of the seminar delivery date for a full refund, less administrative fees of 25% of the base fee.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the training, please notify the instructor by the end of the first day. If you decide to cancel the remainder of the training program, the instructor will collect all training materials.  Fees paid, less a prorata one-day on-site training base fee plus any travel surcharges, will be refunded.

Cancellation by provider. In the unlikely event that a seminar must be cancelled by seminar provider due to unavoidable circumstances, you will be notified at least two weeks prior to the seminar date, and your payment will be refunded.

Seminar provider is not responsible for losses due to cancellation including losses and penalties on advanced or non-refundable airfares.

In all circumstances, seminar provider's liability shall be limited to fees received.

Become a certified callcenter manager

 No travel budget?  No problem. We'll pay your airfare. Click here.

Dates, Locations and Registration

What some past attendees say...

"The virtual training was interactive and very relevant to my role at work. The instructor was awesome, professional, and extremely knowledgeable about all of the topics. I truly appreciated the insights and examples provided to the class to help us with application of some of the topics. A very productive experience and good investment of my time and training funds."
-- 211 Operations Manager, Greater Twin Cities United Way

"The instructor had knowledge about EVERYTHING. Even though participants in the virtual course worked in different types of call center environments, the instructor tailored the training so that we all benefited. The information was invaluable."
-- Manager, Health Program Services, Anthem, Inc.

"The clarity of purpose I have developed in this program will result in better retention of employees, a positive ROI on training and hiring strategy, and more robustly skilled departmental staff. RCCSP presents an extremely organized science-based approach with clearly actionable takeaways. The skills I learned here would have been hard fought without this training course."
-- Customer Service Manager, ChipRewards

"This course was very helpful, well-paced, well-developed, and impactful, with an instructor full of great knowledge and real world experience. I've learned ways to improve CSR coaching, motivation and performance, and have identified more positive ways to track and present our performance results. Despite several years in the support center, I am leaving this course with fresh ideas and a greater understanding of how to optimize performance. This course goes beyond what needs to be done and delivers how to do it."
-- Operations Manager, Change Healthcare

"My first impression of the RCCSP Professional Education Alliance course was that it would be overly difficult, but I found this not to be true. I have never experienced such useful information in a contact center training course before. I was impressed with the processes suggested and the research provided in support of them. The knowledge of the instructor was mind-blowing. This will truly impact change, beginning with an updated hiring process, implementation of workforce management, and right-sizing the workload and responsibilities of our supervisors."
-- Supervisor, Vanderbilt University Patient Access Center

"After attending this course, we will now be including factors that allow us to get to a more realistic picture of what Service Level target can be achieved and the true cost of operations. I would attend another RCCSP course in the future. However this course has provided more than enough to incorporate over the next 18-24 months."
-- Customer Service Operations Coordinator/Help Desk Manager, ASM Research

"More thorough and easier-to-follow than other call center management courses I have attended. The instructor kept the course fun and on track, and described multiple options and unique ways other contact centers handle various situations and scenarios. Analytics were provided to back up content and feedback provided. After attending this training, our management team will improve our IVR, coaching processes, inter-departmental communications, interviewing processes, provide more resources to CSAs, and will reduce ASA. Five out of five stars for course content, quality of the materials and tools, value of the certification, the instructor's knowledge and teaching ability, and RCCSP's professionalism."
-- Contact Center Manager,
Palmetto GBA

"A Godsend. This is exactly what I needed -- soup to nuts -- and much more comprehensive and specific to call center management than other call center trainings I've attended."
-- Regional Contact Center Manager,
Medical Transportation Management

"This course has been very informative and the pace was easy to follow. Coaching sessions will be more effective, reporting will be more easily understood, and our center will now be staffed appropriately. I've learned what I needed to become a successful leader and manager."
-- Manager, Customer Support,
Titan Gas and Power

"Information in this course is invaluable. The RCCSP Alliance is very in tune with present day contact centers, and this course touched on key areas for development. I will be implementing the RCCSP coaching planner and will have conversations with WFM regarding shrinkage and year over year call volume forecasting as well as conversations with my team about staffing and attrition. I look forward to sharing what I've learned here. As I said, the information is invaluable."
-- Sales Manager, Rollins Inc.

"I am well impressed with this very informative, fun and engaging course and excited about the certification. I'll absolutely attend RCCSP training again. Every call center leader should take this course."
-- Service Desk Manager,
Brandt Information Services
(December 2019)

"Loved it! This was one of the best education courses I've ever attended. Loved the format. The instructor was great. Again, one of the best I've attended."
-- Manager, American Equity

"This training blew all other call center training courses out of the water."
-- Assistant Manager,
Wright-Patt Credit Union

"Informative and enlightening. The material covered was relevant. The instructor knowledgeable and humorous. After completing this course, I can and will create a library of standard operating procedures, use the Erlang calculator to assess current and future staffing needs, and make better use of metric key performance indicators."
-- Call Center Manager,
ChipRewards, Inc.

"This was an extremely beneficial experience. This class helped me identify the areas of my call center that need improvement and provided the guidance for improving them, such as establishing SOPs, performing a skill gap analysis, and tracking attrition rates. Based on my experience in this class, I would highly recommend it to my colleagues and I will look into taking additional RCCSP classes."
-- Manager, Universal Property & Casualty Insurance Co.

"The RCCSP Alliance is very knowledgeable and very informative; it was more than I expected, honestly. The trainer had a lot of experience, and the different viewpoints of other call center managers and executives in this program was very valuable. We plan to use this training to formalize our processes and implement a new call center."
-- Resolution Team Manager, Civitek

"The organization of the class and depth of information provided is extremely valuable. I began learning on the first day. What I learned here will be valuable to my department and to my company as a whole."
-- E-Commerce Process Supervisor, Cenetek

"RCCSP's tools can help propel a business to endless possibilities. If we implement all the tools provided to us in this one week, our call center will be a whole new world, for the better, with increased production, revenue, staff quality and morale. RCCSP knows its business and will help us grow ours."
-- Compliance Supervisor, Lincare

"Very dynamic course with current contact center materials to address today's challenges. The instructor provided us with several tools to be successful and to better align our organizational goals with real measures of success. This training is a great value."
-- Assistant Director, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

"Super informative. A must for all call center managers."
-- Customer Service Section Leader, Florida Fish and Wildlife

"The RCCSP trainer was very knowledgeable and able to apply that knowledge to our scenario quickly. In other call center courses I've attended, information was presented in a way that was difficult to apply to day to day operations. Not here. This entire course was extremely helpful, practical, easily understood, and applicable to our daily operations."
-- Director of Call Center Optimization, The Linde Group

"I am so glad I found this opportunity. I can now develop metrics and standard operating procedures that our agents will understand and that will help us improve in many areas. I will absolutely attend other RCCSP training courses!"
-- Manager, Telecom Call Center, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

"After attending this course, I will be able to improve our coaching and training process dramatically, and will also be able to staff the center more effectively. RCCSP delivered the best training experience I have ever had. I feel as if I have learned more in four days then I learned in all my years at call centers. "
-- Supply Manager, Lincare

"RCCSP offers an excellent training program that has shed light on many gaps in our center. We will be making changes in training and monitoring to help our center become more efficient and produce more knowledgeable call specialists. Absolutely impressed with RCCSP's professionalism, knowledge and delivery of service and information."
-- Assistant Manager, United Way of Greater Houston

"This instructor was hands down the best trainer I have ever experienced. Each moment was filled with useful information presented in ways that kept me captivated. This is a must for all managers. There was not a topic that would be considered a waste of time. Money well spent. I can't wait for another session"
-- Reservations Supervisor, Enterprise Rent-a-Car

"The instructor was incredibly helpful, knowledgeable and insightful. Materials are very well put together, extremely detailed, incredibly well targeted to our business model, and adaptable to our very different teams as well."
-- Insurance Support Supervisor, EHI Holdings

"This training experience was outstanding! I can't say enough complimentary things about the instructor. She did an excellent job facilitating training - very interactive and informative. It was an overall good experience that I'll be sharing with management of my company and my colleagues in the industry."
-- Manager, Contact Center Operations, Trellis

"This course was very well organized and paced. I enjoyed the content and presentation style of the instructor. Each day effectively builds on the preceding days' information and was logical. I now have the ability to utilize reports and data to more efficiently manage the call center and conduct more effective coaching sessions. I am impressed with the RCCSP Alliance and its members as a certification body. They take the trainings and  certification process very seriously.
-- Human Services Senior Manager, United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania

-- Vice President, Affordable Housing Management Association of East Texas

"Very impressed with the program. Awesome. Great material. Easy to follow. I have learned so much in four days! The instructor was amazing, funny and knowledgeable and provided a great cohesive learning environment. Most beneficial course I've taken to date.
-- Senior Manager Workforce Planning, Goodwill Industries

"This is totally awesome for up and coming centers. The course gives great insight and knowledge on how to successfully operate a contact center. The instructors are very thorough and knowledgeable. I anticipate positive changes in workforce management, coaching, shrinkage, and metric reporting as result of this course."
-- Emergency Status System (ESS) Director, State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration

"I will be able to lead more effectively with the knowledge I gained from this course. I have a better understanding of call center operations, metrics and more. I can make better decisions about which department projects will have the greatest positive impact. RCCSP is professional and knowledgeable."
-- Director, Member Help Center, Wright-Patt Credit Union

"There are so many positive changes that will result from my attendance in this course, for example, better coaching and training with the correct understanding and application of metrics. The RCCSP Alliance has professionals and experts in call center management that possess a thorough understanding of the underlying science. They have converted scientific knowledge into useful tools and data."
-- Customer Service Assistant Manager, Slavic Integrated Administration, Inc., Slavic 401K

"These are incredibly helpful Industry leaders and experts teaching you the science of call center management. We will now be capturing metrics, staffing effectively, performing high-impact quality monitoring, coaching, and implementing best practice hiring. This course takes out the need to improvise, which is exactly what we had been doing."
-- Head of Business Needs, United Way of Northeast Florida (October 2018)

"Very 'real life' learning examples supported by underlying call center science = awesome."
-- Benefits and Disability Supervisor, Medtronic

"Excellent! Very detailed and informative with a lot of good take-away tools. Instructor knowledge and teaching ability was off the scale. This is a very professional organization. I learned a lot and I am excited to take more RCCSP courses."
-- Director of Patients and Practice Support, Novason, Inc.

"This course was loaded with information and the instructor clearly understood call centers well. Our organization got a lot out of this class: Understanding the metrics better, how to coach more effectively, and numerous call center techniques .Very intense, a lot of information, but incredibly helpful, valuable and relevant info! Great organization! I worked with RCCSP from scheduling the training to the delivery of training, and they were awesome."
-- Fraud Center Manager, Jack Henry & Associates

"The positive changes to our call center as a result of this training are too many to count. This well-rounded course is a great tool and has brought a great amount of knowledge to the bank already."
-- Senior Vice President, Bank of the Sierra

"RCCSP CCMC training is unbelievable! I look forward to helping our staff understand occupancy and adherence and teaching the supervisors coaching techniques and how to use RCCSP's coaching planner."
-- Director, Customer Support, JHA

"This course was such an eye-opener to what is and the possibilities of what could be in the future - greater employee satisfaction, improved customer experience, and improved performance overall, from the use of the IVR to the use and implementation of standard operating procedures. Very well prepared course and good materials."
-- Operations Manager, Bank of the Sierra

"I would attend another RCCSP training or certification program. Definitely! They presented good solutions to common contact center problems. After this learning experience we will have better training materials for our staff, separate coaching from performance reviews, and will be hiring candidates that are a "better fit" for the center. While very knowledgeable, the RCCSP instructor was able to give examples that made sense for us. A lot of 'Ah ha!' moments."
-- Supervisor, JHA

"Good, up-to-date material is provided in an easy-to-understand presentation. RCCSP's robust certification process certainly adds value to this training. The emphasis on passing an exam ensures the knowledge is retained and useful on the job. The certification project requirement ensures a positive return on investment to the business. I look forward to taking some of RCCSP's more advanced courses after this experience."
-- Manager, EHI Inc.

"Top notch organization. Very informative training I'll be going to RCCSP's Director training next year."
-- Supervisor, Cox Automotive
(August 2018)

"This course helps attendees understand the metrics, technology, and unique complexity of a call center environment. After this course, I have the ability to fully diagnose areas for improvement. I have a very positive impression of the RCCSP certification organization."
-- Vice President, Member Contact Center, Technology Credit Union

"The RCCSP instructor did an excellent job. She is extremely well informed. She shared a wealth of knowledge and expertise with our class. I now have an entire list of improvements from this class that I hope to implement after prioritizing them over the next 2-3 years: Behavioral-based interview forms, revamping our quality monitoring form, agent metrics, creating call center attrition reporting, and new training modules (additional). This class was certainly more comprehensive than any other call center training course I've attended in the past."
-- Manager, Summit County Ohio 2-1-1 Info Line

"This training was very high quality given by a very knowledgeable instructor. Concise materials and interactive exercises were helpful. I've learned creative ways to interview and screen employees, have a better awareness of shrinkage, and know how to create metric scorecards. I think this course will greatly benefit our agency and I feel attending another advanced RCCSP training course would absolutely help further improve our center. I've only attended "symposiums" in the past that can't compare to this rich 4-day comprehensive learning experience."
-- Customer Care Director, Defense Finance and Accounting Services

"Better coaching and standard operating procedures will result from my attendance in this course. RCCSP demonstrates excellent call center industry knowledge and professionalism when delivering call center management training."
-- Director of Sales, Orkin LLC

"The RCCSP Professional Education Alliance is a useful ally. They have the expertise."
-- Service Manager, Community Information Centre of Ottawa

"This is a very informative and educational class delivered in a fun, interactive manner. I am returning back to work with a wealth of knowledge that will benefit the organization, my co-workers and myself -- a more concrete measuring system for quality monitoring, improved hiring processes, metric performance scorecards, and improved coaching techniques. It was an amazing course. It has a very robust curriculum that touches on every area that you could possibly need to manage a call center. The course is designed to apply to real life situations and it is very hands on, which makes the material that much more fun and interesting to learn. After taking the course, I feel confident that I now have a clear vision of what to do to get my call center to the next level. I highly recommend this course. It is the BEST course I've ever taken. Every minute of it was worth it."
-- Call Center Manager, Allergen

"5 out of 5 stars from me for the instructor's knowledge and teaching ability, course content and coverage, quality of the tools and materials, RCCSP professionalism, and value of the RCCSP certification."
-- Director of Tech Helpline, Florida Realtors

"This training is going to help so much! There are just too many positive changes to count. Way better than any other call center  management training course out there."
-- Assistant Scheduling Manager, Comprehensive Health Services

"For someone who has never worked in a call center environment, after attending the RCCSP CCCM training, I feel very confident, knowledgeable, and well equipped to accept the challenge to manage a call center. I personally believe that every call center should invest in this training for their management team, as it is an eye opener, especially with respect to the correct meaning and uses of metrics. The RCCSP trainer delivered the material in a detailed, professional and fun way which made it easy to learn. I wished it could have continued for another two days. I cannot wait to take my next RCCSP training!"
-- P. Bent-Hall

"RCCSP is one of the best educational academies I have attended. It surpasses other call center training programs. The content is detailed, well arranged and the instructor was superb. I intend to send my trainers to this training. It helps new supervisors understand metrics, KPIs and schedule adherence factors. Given the opportunity, I will most certainly attend another RCCSP certification training program."
-- Superintendent, Tucson Water

"Very beneficial. We will do a better job of onboarding, coaching, refresher training, and communication style profiling. These instructors are knowledgeable and able to answer your questions. RCCSP is the 'go to' for industry coverage."
-- Supervisor, Ellucian Company

Recommended Follow-on Courses:
Survey Design and Analysis Workshop

Certified Quality Management Professional

Call Center Workforce Management Hands-on Boot Camp

Conversational User Interface Design for IVR, Chatbots, and Virtual Assistants

Training & Certification:
  » Call Center
  » IT Support Center
  » ITIL
  » Help Desk

  » Telecom

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Call Center Technology
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Knock Your Socks Off
Help Desk Institute
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