Contact Center Supervisor Training and Certification
5-half-day virtual or 3-day in-person instructor-led training with certification exam - $2,495
Private virtual or on-site delivery available

What You Will Learn:

Participants will learn:

  • Key dimensions of supervisory leadership in the contact center
  • How to communicate effectively across all job levels
  • The most effective elements of supervisory communication
  • How contact center business strategy impacts front-line performance
  • How to use quality assurance and quality monitoring tools for maximum effect
  • Keys to building a successful quality monitoring form
  • How to create a Standard Operating Procedures manual that includes best practices for call handling, documentation and customer service skills
  • How to select metrics that fairly evaluate agent performance
  • How to manage and report contact center and agent key performance indicators
  • How to create an agent performance scorecard
  • The role supervisors play in workforce management
  • How to manage front-line absenteeism and adherence to schedule
  • The cost and causes of attrition and how they impact the contact center
  • Keys to building successful motivation and retention plans
  • How to effectively lead a coaching session using a formal coaching process and coaching discussion planner
  • The most common coaching fears and mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Common reactions to feedback and coaching, and how to respond
  • How to manage each stage of the training cycle for continuous performance improvement


Learn how to lead the call center's most important resource: the professionals that interact directly with customers. This newly updated training course provides contact center supervisors and team leads valuable "how to" best practices for executing day-to-day, tactical job requirements with finesse.  With core skills, knowledge, and in-class practice opportunities, participants reach new heights of leadership ability and levels of confidence.  The course trains supervisors in essential communication, leadership and coaching skills, and presents best tactics and practices for agent training and development, motivation and retention, team collaboration, performance measurement and management, and self-assessment.

Course material is tactical, practical, and immediately applicable. Each participant is put through the paces, with self-assurance and confidence-building as instructional objectives.  Hands-on tools, forms, templates, and assessments are utilized in class by attendees under an instructor's supervision.  Tools are packaged up for the attendee to take back to the office where newly-acquired skills and methods can be immediately put into practice.

This workshop is interactive and involves exercises, group discussion, brainstorming, practice, and the situational application of skills. Students are engaged in the learning process, applying and practicing skills as they are learned. Attendees must demonstrate achievement throughout the learning process, participating in real-world exercises, and may test their mastery following completion of the course by taking the Certified Contact Center Supervisor (CCCS) examination.

Deliverables and Take-Home Tools

In-class materials and take-home tools include:

  • Comprehensive course manual (an excellent post-training reference tool)
  • DiSC communication styles assessment tool
  • Personalized, real-time DiSC profiling tool
  • Template for creating a Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Agent scorecard template
  • Coaching discussion planner tool for planning and scripting a coaching discussion based on the the professional's motivational disposition

Who Should Participate

The Certified Contact Center Supervisor training course is ideal for anyone responsible for direct oversight of front-line contact center representatives, analysts, or agents.  Some specific roles that will benefit from the class include:

  • Team leads and supervisors that lead, inspire and develop front-line contact center service professionals, agents, representatives, specialists and counselors
  • Recently promoted front-line professionals and team leads with expanded responsibilities
  • Contact center recruiters, coaches, trainers, and mentors

Who Should Not Attend This Course

The Certified Contact Center Supervisor course is for professionals whose primary function is day-to-day oversight of front-line customer service representatives.  If you are a supervisor with operations management duties such as responsibility for strategy, hiring, designing quality assurance processes, calculating staffing based on service level goals and inbound call volume, acquiring additional capacity or technology to lower average speed of answer and/or abandonment rates, assessing technologies, IVR dialog redesign recommendations, coordinating inter-departmental communications, or reporting results to director- and executive-level management, then this is not the course for you.  Professionals with responsibility for contact center operations and performance should attend the Call Center Manager Training and Certification course or the accelerated Contact Center Management Certification Boot Camp, regardless of your job title.


Attendees should possess a basic understanding of what a call center is, how calls flow into a center, and basic call center terminology.


The Contact Center Supervisor Certification training program is a two-day, seven-module, non-customized course, readily instructor-adapted to for-profit, government, or the non-profit environment.

Introduction and Self-Assessment

  • Introductions and Overview of the Certified Contact Center Supervisor Training Course
  • Overview of the CCCS Certification Process
  • Goals and Learning Objectives of the Training Course
  • Primary Responsibilities of a Contact Center Supervisor

Chapter 1 - Contact Center Mission and Structure

Contact Center Definitions

  • What Makes a Call Center a Call Center
  • Contact Centers, Multi-Channel Environments and Omni-Channel Service
  • The Contact Center Business Process

Expressing Customer Expectations and Performance Targets

  • The Top Two Customer Expectations
  • Strategies for Meeting Top Customer Expectations

Contact Center Organizational Structure

  • Front-Line Service Delivery
    • Role of the Supervisor
    • Role of the Team Lead
    • Subject Matter Experts and their Roles
    • Role of the Agent/Specialist

The Process of Resolving Caller Issues

  • Metrics, Metric Categories, and What They Signify
    • Contact Center Capabilities
    • Utilization and Efficiency
    • Effectiveness
    • Productivity and Throughput
  • Measuring Activities as Callers' Issues are Resolved - Process Metrics

Chapter 2 - Contact Center Call Delivery Systems and Capabilities

Contact Center Capability - Getting Through and Reaching an Agent

  • Blocked Calls
  • Calls in Queue
  • Wait Time
  • Caller Tolerance
  • Abandonment Rate
    • Abandonment Rate Defined
    • Analyzing Abandonment Rate
    • Dispelling Abandonment Rate Myths
  • Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
    • Average Speed of Answer Defined
    • How to Reduce Caller Wait Time
  • Service Level (SL)
    • Service Level Defined
    • What Service Level Means to Supervisors
    • How Service Level Relates (or doesn't) to the Caller Experience
    • Factors Impacting Service Level

Chapter 3 - Service Quality and Effectiveness

Measuring Results

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

  • FCR Defined
  • Why Contact Centers Focus on First Contact Resolution
  • Factors That Interfere With First Contact Resolution
  • How FCR is Measured or Computed
  • How to Improve First Contact Resolution Rate
    • Areas for Investigation

Quality and Customer Satisfaction Differentiated

Customer Satisfaction

  • Customer Satisfaction Defined
  • Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • Evaluating Agents Performance Based on Customer Satisfaction (or not)

Service Quality

  • Quality Defined
  • Why Quality is Measured
  • The Quality Assurance Process
    • Quality Assurance Roles
    • How Supervisors Can Help the Quality Assurance Function
    • How Supervisors Can Hinder the Quality Assurance Function
    • How the Quality Assurance Function Can Assist Supervisors
  • Quality Monitoring
    • Goals of Quality Monitoring
  • Anatomy of a Quality Monitoring Form
    • Categories of Monitored Behaviors
    • Component scoring
    • Monitoring Definitions and Guidelines
    • Evaluation Criteria
      • Compliance Ratings
      • Performance Ratings
  • Review and Critique of Sample Quality Monitoring Forms

Standard Operating Procedures

  • Benefits of SOPs
  • Sample Contact Center Standard Operating Procedures Template
  • Drafting Standard Operating Procedures
  • Components of a Guideline
    • Specifying the Action
    • Specifying Qualitative Expectations
    • Specifying the Optimal Order
    • Justification for the Standard
  • Essential Contact Center Standard Operating Procedures

Chapter 4 - Efficient Call Handling

Agent-Customer Interactions & Efficiency Measures

Balancing Quality and Efficiency

Efficiency Metrics

  • Talk Time
    • How to Reduce Talk Time
  • Hold Time
    • Alternative Hold Time Metrics
    • When to Use Hold Time Metrics and for What Purpose
    • Developing Standard Operating Procedures for the Proper Use of Hold
  • After Contact Work (ACW)
    • Auto ACW and the Purpose of Auto ACD
    • AUX ACW and the Purpose of AUX ACD
    • How to Increase ACW Efficiency
  • Handle Time
    • How and When to Use Average Handle Time (AHT) Metrics
    • Why Tracking AHT Components is Critical to Improving in Efficiency

Productivity and Throughput Metrics

Contacts Per Agent

  • What the Metric Means
  • Why Contacts Per Agent is Not a Reliable Measure of Agent Efficiency
  • The Dangers of Inferring AHT from Contacts per Agent

Escalation and Transfer Rates

  • The Difference Between Escalations and Transfers
  • Analyzing the Top Causes of Escalations
  • Analyzing the Top Causes of Transfers
  • Deciding What Calls Should be Escalated to a Supervisor
  • Actions for Supervisors to Reduce Escalations

Chapter 5- Agent Utilization, Motivation and Retention

Supervisor Goals and Responsibilities

Agent Utilization

  • Agents on Staff vs. Available Agents
  • Utilization Defined

Workforce Management

  • The Purpose of the Workforce Management Function in a Contact Center
  • Job Roles Within the Workforce Management Function
  • How Workforce Management Assists Supervisors
  • How Supervisors Assist Workforce Management
  • How Supervisors Can Hinder Workforce Management

Agent Shrinkage

  • Calculating Shrinkage
    • Planned Shrinkage vs. Unplanned Shrinkage
  • Absenteeism
  • Auxiliary Time
    • Why Collect AUX Data
    • Defining AUX Codes

Utilizing Agent Resources

  • Available Time Metrics
  • Adherence and Non-Adherence
    • Computing Adherence
    • Coaching Adherence
  • Idle Time
  • Occupancy Rate
    • What Occupancy Rate Means
    • Factors Affecting Occupancy Rate
    • Why Agents Should Not be Evaluated on Occupancy Rate

Employee Job Satisfaction and Retention

  • Why Employee Satisfaction is Evaluated
  • Performance Metrics Correlated With Employee Job Satisfaction
  • The Sixteen Drivers of Affective Commitment
  • Steps Supervisors Can Take to Improve Employee Job Satisfaction

Stress and Attrition

  • Causes of Stress in the Contact Center
  • Burnout and Mental Fatigue
  • Compassion Fatigue and Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • Agent Attrition

Creating Balanced Performance Metric Scorecards

  • The Call Center Business Process Model
  • Creating a Balanced Contact Center Scorecard
  • Creating a Fair Agent Performance Scorecard
  • Creating a Supervisor Metric Scorecard for Self-Management

Chapter 6- Training

Evaluate the Call Center's Current Training Program

  • Training Best Practices
  • Identify Areas for Improvement

The Training Function

  • How the Training Function Can Assist Supervisors
  • Supervisor Training Roles and Responsibilities

Phases of Training

  • New Hire Training
    • New Hire Training Strategies for Success
  • Nesting Transitional Training
    • Advantages of Nesting
    • Recommendations for Successful Transitional Training
  • Up Training
    • Methods for Up Training Delivery
    • Recommendations for Successful Up Training
  • Refresher Training
    • The Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle

Alternative Training Delivery Mediums and Methods

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternative Training Mediums
  • Determining the Most Impactful Training Medium for the Topic and Audience

Agent Mentoring Programs

  • Mentoring Program Development Considerations
  • Mentoring Program Recommendations and Best Practices

Chapter 7 - Communications and Coaching for Continuous Performance Improvement

Fundamentals of Coaching

  • The Role of Coach
  • The Differences Between Coaching, Critiquing, Feedback, and Performance Reviews
  • How to Implement Steps to Create a Coaching Culture
  • The Coaching Role from a Management Perspective
  • Performing a Coaching Self-Assessment
    • Determining Areas of Opportunity
  • Assessing Your Coaching Fears
    • Strategies for Overcoming Coaching Anxiety
  • Common Coaching Shortcomings
    • How to Implement Strategies to Avoid Common Coaching Mistakes

Pre-Coaching Preparation Tasks

  • Investigating and Documenting
  • Preparing the Coaching Situation Statement
  • Assessing Motivation and Performance Levels
    • The Four Agent Pre-Disposition Profiles
    • Predicting Agents' Pre-Dispositions
      • Motivation Level Factors
      • Performance Levels Factors
  • Choosing the Correct Type of Coaching Session
    • The Five Types of Coaching Sessions
  • Preparing Responses
    • Five Common Reactions to Coaching
  • How to Manage and Coach a Friend
  • Practice Exercise: Planning for a Coaching Discussion
    • Perform a Coaching Self-Assessment
    • Review Your Action Checklist in Preparation for a Coaching Session
    • Prepare a 10-step RCCSP™ Coaching Discussion Planner


  • Conducting the Coaching Session
  • Effective Coaching Skills and Techniques
    • Active Listening
    • Proactive Questioning
    • Positive Tone
    • Word Choices
    • Body Language

Post-Coaching Best Practices

  • Reviewing and Summarizing Notes of Discussion
  • Documenting the Coaching Session
  • Follow-Up Activities

Adaptive Communication Techniques

  • Assessing Your Own Coaching Style
    • DISC Assessment and How it is Utilized
    • Determine Your Communication Style
    • Adapting Your Communication Style to Enhance Understanding and Persuasiveness
  • How to Use Communication Style to Maximize Coaching Discussion Effectiveness
    • Real-Time Communication Style Profiling
    • Adaptation of One's Own Communication Style to the Team Member's Preferred Style
    • Do's and Don'ts When Communicating With Specific Alternative Communication Styles
    • Assessing Communication Styles of Upset Team Members
    • Multiple Communications Styles - When Work and Home Styles are Different

Continuing Education Options

Certification Process

This certification is officially recognized by the RCCSP Professional Education Alliance and its members.

The CCCS certification process consists of two parts:

  • Class attendance
  • An online certification exam

Class Attendance: Participants will complete the two-day instructor-led course, after which an online ID and password will be sent via email with instructions for accessing the certification exam.

Certification Exam: After the course, participants will have four weeks to complete the online certification exam. The certification exam is comprised of 60 questions and candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam. Candidates must achieve at least an 80% score in order to obtain certification.

Course Instructors

RCCSP faculty instructors have both call center management and training delivery expertise.  They are certified at  the “Master Trainer” level for delivery of this course and will adapt the course delivery to meet the needs of participants' varying levels of experience and differing call center environments. RCCSP's faculty includes instructors experienced in non-profit and government contact center environments, in addition to large and small for-profit environments.  Instructors are located throughout the USA.

Registration Fees

The per student registration fee for this training and certification program is $2,495 and includes:

  • 5 virtual half-days or 3 in-person full days of instructor-led training
  • All training materials
  • USB-based Toolkit with forms, templates, benchmarks, guides, checklists and many other tools to jump-start new supervisory initiatives
  • Certificate of completion
  • Certification exam
  • Custom-engraved crystalline awards for those earning certification

Seminar Schedule
Jan 6-10, 2025 5 virtual sessions
12:00 NOON CST - 4:00 PM CST
Mar 10-14, 2025 5 virtual sessions
12:00 NOON CST - 4:00 PM CST
Sep 29-Oct 3, 2025 5 virtual sessions
12:00 NOON CST - 4:00 PM CST

Class Start and Stop Times

Virtual instructor-led courses are delivered over five consection half days, Monday through Friday.

Private In-House and Virtual Group Training Options

Private training, delivered in-house at your location or virtually, offers the added benefits of facilitated team interaction; a confidential environment where plans, processes, and policies can be openly discussed; minimized or no travel costs; and little or no travel time.  For support centers with a number of supervisors and team leads, private training can maximize your training investment.

Pricing for an on-site course delivered at your location , or a private course delivered virtually, is determined based on a "base fee" for up to six attendees, and a per person fee for each attendee thereafter.  On-site fees are all inclusive:

  • Base fee for up to 6 participants - $14,995 includes:
    • 3-day onsite instructor-led training course, or 5-half-day virtual instructor-led course
    • All training materials
    • Materials shipping costs
    • USB Toolkit of forms, templates, benchmarks, guides, checklists and many other tools to jump-start improvement initiatives
    • Instructor's travel and lodging expenses (for onsite presentations in the continental US)
    • Certification exam, one administration per person
    • Engraved crystalline awards for those earning certification
  • Additional participants - $1,295 each

Please call 708-246-0320 to discuss virtual private training pricing for less than six participants.

Additional travel surcharges will be charged for travel outside of the continental USA and for private seminars scheduled within three weeks, or paid for within three weeks, of the delivery date.

The customer site must provide suitable meeting space, any desired meals or refreshments, and the following presentation supplies:

  • Two easels with paper and markers
  • LCD wall monitor, or projection unit and projection screen

Request Private In-House or Virtual Training

Contact Center Supervisor Certification course, Private Group Training and Certification Exam, up to 6 participants, $14,995
Additional Attendees, $1,295 per person

More Training and Certification Courses

See the complete calendar of RCCSP Contact Center Training Course dates and locations.

For more IT, technical and field support training course options, see the RCCSP Help Desk, ITIL, and Support Center Calendar.

Dates, Locations and Registration

What some past attendees say...

"The course rated highly ("A").  The instructor was clear,  the class was interactive, and the materials were thorough.  Supervisors taking this course will be more prepared and educated in methods to assist front-line staff to become better employees." -- Supervisor, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

"Because this was a quality training program with sufficient handouts, presentations and real world examples and experiences, our supervisors have a better understanding of their jobs.  This training will assist us in becoming a 'Best in Class' call center." -- Supervisor, Employee Development, Memphis Light Gas and Water

"The class was much more than I expected.  I would definitely recommend it to others." -- Supervisor, Delta Air Lines, Inc.

"I found the course very informative and engaging, and one of the better training courses that I have attended, with real-world ideas and suggestions. By implementing the knowledge gained, the organization should see improvement in the call center's performance and customer satisfaction." -- Supervisor Customer Service, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

"Excellent!  I learned a lot.  This will definitely benefit me and my company." -- Team Lead / Supervisor, Konica Minolta Business Solutions

"This course is an excellent source for how to manage and run a better call center.  It will provide you with the tools to improve the level of quality for the contacts and the agents." -- Workgroup Team Leader, Konica Minolta Business Solutions

"This course was excellent. The information shared and industry knowledge was very valuable." -- Manager Customer Care, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority

Learn From the Industry's Leading Authorities
Recommended Follow-on Courses:
Fundamentals of Workforce Management

Contact Center Manager Certification

Quality Assurance Certification

Training & Certification:
  » Call Center
  » IT Support Center
  » ITIL
  » Help Desk

  » Telecom

Call Center Operations
Technical Support
Call Center Technology
Online Support
Customer Satisfaction
Knock Your Socks Off
Help Desk Institute
Telecom Books
Communication Skills
Call Center Monitoring
Metrics / Benchmarking
Hiring & Retention
Outbound Telesales
Novelty Gifts & Humor

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Terms & Conditions

Seminar provider is not responsible for losses due to cancellation.  In all circumstances, seminar provider's liability shall be limited to fees received.

Seminar agenda and assigned instructors are subject to change.

Public Training Terms & Conditions

Payment is due prior to the seminar.

Public seminar cancellation policy.  Registrants may cancel up to fourteen days in advance of the seminar start date for a full refund.  Cancellations within fourteen days of the seminar start date will be subject to an administrative fee of $400. Registrations may be transferred to another member of your organization at no additional charge.  As seminars can be cancelled for under-enrollment from time to time, we strongly recommend that registrants traveling by air purchase only refundable tickets.

In the unlikely event that a seminar must be cancelled by seminar provider due to unavoidable circumstances, you will be notified at least two weeks prior to the seminar date, and your payment will be refunded.  Seminar provider is not responsible for losses due to cancellation including losses on advanced purchase airfares.  We strongly recommend that attendees traveling by air to attend the seminar purchase only refundable tickets.

Private On-site and Virtual Training Terms & Conditions

On-site training fees must be paid at least three weeks in advance to reserve a training date and instructor. Additional travel surcharges will be charged for travel to training locations outside of the continental USA and for training courses scheduled within three weeks, or paid for within three weeks, of the on-site delivery date.

On-site training cancellation policy.  Preparations for training delivery will commence upon the receipt of payment in full.  Organizations may cancel up to 21 days in advance of the seminar delivery date for a full refund, less administrative fees of 25% of the base fee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the training, please notify the instructor by the end of the first day. If you decide to cancel the remainder of the training program, the instructor will collect all training materials.  Fees paid, less a prorata one-day on-site training base fee plus any travel surcharges, will be refunded.
Become a certified callcenter manager