"By Association" Group
Discount Code
Your members save hundreds on training from forty different
Are you a member of an association chapter, online community, alumni group
or other professional organization? Ask your local chapter to join
the RCCSP Channel Network of affiliated professional organizations today.
A RCCSP "By Association" discount code provides you, your professional
organization, and fellow members with discounts on hundreds of training and
certification courses -- every course offered by the
RCCSP Professional Education Alliance network
of over forty training companies. Add RCCSP to the association's member benefits,
and a membership in your organization pays for itself! Ask RCCSP about a
corporate contribution to your organization, too.
To learn more, click here. |
Fly on
No training travel budget? No worries! Air travel to
your training is on us.
Bookmark the course you want to attend, and check the schedule often. When
you see this symbol
sign up fast. We'll pop for the airfare to get you there. No kidding.
For all the details, click here. |
Fast Track
Accelerated Learning Savings Plans
When you need to get up to speed -- or certified --
Are you looking to earn your professional certification in record time?
Have you transferred into a new job or new role and need to come up
to speed fast? Then Fast Track programs are for you.
Fast Tracks are programs specifically designed to help you progress through
required education courses in the most efficient order, in a minimal amount
of time. Whether you need to master a new job skill, keep abreast of the
latest trends and techniques, or are looking to fill knowledge gaps, Fast
Tracks deliver accelerated learning. Take the Fast Track to your
competitive career advantage. |
Welcome 2015
Here's $150 just for looking at this savings page and
registering with RCCSP for training in 2015.
Register for popular training courses with a special $150 online discount.
Hurry. Register online by December 31, 2014, for any 2015 course and
enter your "Welcome 2015 Savings" discount code.
To have your personal Welcome 2015 Savings discount code e-mailed to you,
go to RCCSP's Contact Us page.
Enter the course attendee's contact information, select "Discount
Code Request" from the My Request drop-down list, and type "Welcome 2015
Savings" in the comments box . You just saved $150! It's that
easy. |
Double-Up Savings
Buy 2 courses now, save $400 instantly.
Double-Up on training courses. Buy two at one time and save $400.
Register one person for two instructor-led classroom training courses,
use promotion code "Double up", and save $400. Go ahead . Have
another helping! |
Group Discounts
For three or more registrations. Mix 'n match courses,
dates, locations, even people!
Buy three courses at one time, and save 10%. Call RCCSP at (708) 246-0320
for details or to register your group. |
Government Discounts
Special pricing for Federal, State, and local
For a 7% Government Discount on open-enrollment training courses and print
resources, use promotional code "GSA" when purchasing online. |
For for IT, telecom, and networking professionals
Let a RCCSP course counselor help you build your annual technical training
and career development plan. Maximize your knowledge. Maximize
your earned credentials. Stay at the forefront of emerging technologies,
change and convergence.
Build a training path that includes five or more technical courses to be
attended in a 12-month period and save 20% on all your RCCSP Professional
Educational Alliance course registrations. |
General Terms & Conditions for Discounts and Savings Programs and Offers:
Discount offers are good at the time of initial registration only and are
not combinable nor valid with any other discounts, promotions or savings
Multiple course, group, back-to-back, Fast Track, and other multi-unit-priced
volume purchase registrations must be submitted on the same day to qualify.
Cancellation of any of the multi-course, multi-registrant and other
multi-unit-based discounted registrations, leaving less than the required
qualifying registrations, will result in the forfeiture of the multi-unit-based
pricing and discounts on the remaining registrations.
RCCSP savings plans, offers and discounts apply to new registrations only
for public open-enrollment instructor-led courses having a list price of
$995 or more unless otherwise indicated in the offer.
Discounts and offers are valid at the time of initial purchase/registration
and will not be retroactively applied or applied to rescheduled courses.
Additional terms and conditions may apply. See individual offers for details.
RCCSP reserves the right to change or cancel offers at any time.