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Voice Over Frame Relay, by
William Flanagan, softcover, 200 pages, 1997, $34.95 $17.48
(50% off) |
ISDN: A Practical Guide to Getting Up
and Running, by William Flanagan, softcover, 204 pages, 2000,
$39.95 $19.98 (50% off) |
The Art of Software Support,
by Francoise Tourniaire and Richard Farrell, autographed hardcover, 336 pages,
1998, $42 $21 (50% off) |
Loyalty.com, by Frederick Newell,
hardcover, 325 pages, 2000, $29.95 $14.98 (50% off) |
A Guide to Computer User
Support, by Fred Beisse, softcover, 360 pages, 1999,
$41.10 $20.55 (50% off) |
e-Service, Speed, Technology and Price
Built Around Service by John Tschohl, hardcover, 197 pages,
$24.95 $12.47 (50% off) |
Unix Computer Telephony, The Complete
Guide, by John Kincaid, softcover, $39.95 $19.97
(50% off) |
Total Quality Management, a self-study
course, by Kevin Cellars, 3-ring binder with self-test,
$159 $79.50 (50% off) |
The Year's Ten Best Web Support
Sites, by the Association of Support
Professionals, 8-1/2" x 11", softcover, 112 pages, 2000, $95
$47.50 (50% off) |
Digital Rush: Nine
Internet Start-Ups in the Race for Dot-Com Riches,
by Jonathan Aspatore, hardcover, 290 pages, $25 $12.50 (50%
off) |
Transformation: The Essentials of e-Business
Leadership by Keypur Patel and Mary Pat McCarthy,
hardcover, 134 pages, $21.95 $10.98 (50% off) |
Foundations in Quality Self-Study Program
- Certified Quality Manager, by American Society for Quality (ASQC),
1997, 10 spiral-bound books plus diskettes; modules include Overview, Quality
Standards, Organizations and Their Functions, Quality Needs and Overall Strategic
Plans, Customer Satisfaction and Focus, Project Management, Continuous
Improvement, Human Resource Management, Training and Education, Glossary,
$495 $247.50 (50% off) |